You’ve probably heard somebody say before that the Bible doesn’t say much about Heaven. Maybe you’ve heard that it’s impossible to imagine what Heaven will be like. Possibly, you’ve even been told that Heaven is not an actual location but a state of existence. Unfortunately, although such statements are widely circulated, all of them are wrong.
The Bible is not silent regarding Heaven. It is a real place and the Bible is replete with references to it’s past, present, and future. You do not need to be a Bible scholar or a master theologian to understand the blessedness of Heaven. You can understand it, you can grasp it, and most importantly you can look forward to it!
Paradise–Past, Present, and Future is all about helping believers everywhere look forward to their eternity. Heaven should not be relegated to the unknown, vague, or abstract. Heaven is our goal—it is our eternal destiny. It’s time to learn the truth about Heaven so that we can properly set our affections upon it.
Watch a short introduction about this exciting new book!
What People are Saying about the Book
Pastor Rodriguez’s book lays out a very Biblically sound case - Walt Brown, Ph.D. President of the Center for Scientific Creation